Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford

Pitt Rivers interiorOxford University Museums
The Pitt Rivers Museum is located behind the OU Museum of Natural History in Parks Road, and is reached by walking through the OUMNH. The Pitt Rivers Museum cares for the University of Oxford’s collection of anthropology and world archaeology.
Permanent displays in the Museum are ethnographic and archaeological and include the following:

Pacific island objects, a collection of ceremonial brasses and ivories from the Kingdom of Benin; a fine group of early masks worn by actors in Japanese Noh dramas; more masks from Africa, Melanesia and North America; sculpture from all over the world in wood, pottery, metal and stone; boats, ranging from full-sized sailing craft to model canoes; baskets in all possible shapes and sizes; pottery from Africa and the Americas, including many pre-Columbian pieces; costumes from North America; magic objects; locks and keys; tools and weapons; musical instruments.

The cases appear to be very crowded, as a very large percentage of the collection is on view. In some instances the ‘displays’ are primarily visible storage, due to the museum being first and foremost a teaching and research institution and the curators are also university lecturers in either cultural anthropology or prehistoric archaeology.

I spent several hours in the Museum. The sheer variety of objects is fascinating, and some are of great interest, while others, like the mummified vulture head, seem a bit mad. Note the fine collection of Japanese Noh masks, the religious objects, or the shrunken heads. The cases are often dimly lit – the Museum apparently can supply torches, or you could bring your own!

I recommend looking at the Museum’s website to help plan your visit.

Practical details: Admission is free. There is no museum café in the Pitt Rivers or the OUMNH, and nothing obvious outside. Travel: Arrival by car is not recommended. The Museum is easily accessible by Park and Ride. The council now charges £1.50 for Park & Ride parking, so have this with you in coin in case you see a bus about to depart! You are not required to display the ticket.

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