Iceland, 1989

Canyon at Dettifoss
Canyon at Dettifoss

A camping tour operated by Falcon. Flight to Iceland was by scheduled airline from Heathrow. May? 1989.

Day 1: Sunday
Flight from UK to Keflavik and transfer to your accommodation in Reykjavik.

Day 2: Monday Reykjavik/Geysir and Gullfoss
Depart 11,oo. Drive round Reykjavik Bay, over Mossfellsheidi Heath for fine views of Lake Thingvallavatn. To Thingvellir site of the ancient Viking parliament the Althing, Almannagja rift, “Law Rock”, the Gullfoss waterfall and the River Hvita Canyon. On to Geysir to see the mighty geyser ‘Strokkur’
erupt. Campsite: GEYSIR – swimming pool.
Day 2: saw ports of Reykjavik from bus, damp desolate countryside, Thingvellir & small waterfall & earth fault, spouting geysir etc (great geysir needs priming).
Small hot pools at geysir & large waterfall at Gillfoss.
Glimpses of Long Glacier. Swimming in evening in free pool.

Day 3: Tuesday The Kjolur Route
Leave Geysir and climb steadily north for views of the glacial Lake Hvitarvatn, passing Kerlingafjoll Mts. to go between Langjokull and Hofsjokull icecaps, on to Hveravellir
with its vapour vents, sulphur pits and boiling mud pools. Descend from the mountains to Blondudalar.
Campsite: BLONDUOS – swimming pool
Day 3: Hot sulphur vents at Outlaws Camp near glacier lakes. Very desolate country. Saw Hydro construction. Camped at Warm… Weather cleared went swimming, horse riding.

Day 4: Wed: Blonduos/Myvatn area
Across Skagafjordur with its beautiful hanging valleys and mountain passes to Eyjafjordur, the longest fjord in Iceland, then to Akuyeyri, capital of the north with visit to the Botanical gardens. Visit Godafoss waterfall, then on to the Myvatn area. Campsite: LAUGAR – Swimming pool, 2 Nights.
Day 4: Drove over hills to Akureyri. Botanical Gdns before lunch. Camping truck broke down. Afternoon in Akureyri, saw nat. hist. museum, gouged by Bank.
Visit to knitwear wholesale shop. Saw weaving looms in operation. Special visit to Icelandic stern trawler – took about a dozen photos. Next to Godafoss waterfall, then campsite at school/hotel.

Click on day 4 pics. to enlarge.

Botanical garden
Akureyri Botanical Garden
 Botanical Garden
Akureyri Botanical Garden
Akureyri town
Akureyri harbour
Textile factory, Akureyri
Textile factory, Akureyri
Trawler in Akureyri harbour
Trawler at Akureyri harbour
Trawler at  Akureyri
Aboard Trawler
Aboard Trawler
Aboard trawler
Trawler engine
Trawler engine
Trawler engine
Trawler engine
Trawler bridge
Trawler bridge

Day 5: Thursday: Full day tour to Lake Myvatn
and area.
A birdwatcher’s paradise, 30,000 wildfowl nest here. Sights include the Laxa River,
Hverfjall ash cone, “Black castle” lava fields of Dimmuborgir, pseudocraters and the Hofdi nature reserve.

In the afternoon visit the Namafjall mountain area with its hot sulphur springs and bubbling mud pools. From the mountain summit good views over Myvatn region, Bjarnarflag geothermal
generating plant – the first in Iceland.
Day5: Lake Myvatn. False volcanoes, ducks, past diatomite works & geothermal electricity plant. Visited sulphur vents (grey mud), fresh lava field. At lunch saw mud-volcanoes, steam vents. After lunch drove to giant ash crater. Walked up it, around rim then down and through “troll lava” field to bus – to campsite.
Click on Day 5 pics to enlarge

Myvatn country
Myvatn, near volcano
Myvatn, near volcano
Myvatn, near volcano
Myvatn, near volcano
Lava terrain
Myvatn, volcano
Rocks and mist
Myvatn, volcano
Lava terrain
Myvatn, volcano

Mud pool
Myvatn mud pool

Day 6: Friday Husavik and Asbyrgi
Travel north to the fishing village of Husavik with its striking wooden church and then to the Tjornes Peninsula renowned for its fossil shells. After lunch we visit the horse shoe shaped Asbyrgi canyon with its walls 80m. high.
Day 6: rainy. De-camped. To fishing town. H… with large wooden church. To coast with seashell fossils. Lunch at farm campsite. Drive to river-canyon & long walk downriver. Interesting rock formations & plants. Basalt volcanic rock (sample). Night cold and rainy.
Click on Day 6 pics. to enlarge

Church interior
Church interior, Husavik

Husavik church

Day 7: Saturday Dettifoss waterfall.
We spend the last half day of our tour visiting the mighty Dettifoss waterfall and surrounding area in the National
Park. After lunch we drive to Akureyri for an early evening flight to Reykjavik. Independent transfer to accommodation.
Day 7: Went to see “Horse-shoe canyon” then Dettifoss waterfall in canyon. Tried to photograph rainbow caused by spray also cyclopean canyon. Lunch in middle of crater in middle of flat desert. Excellent view from rim. Transfer to Akureyri airport for internal flight by turbo-prop plane to Keflavik.
Click on day 7 pics to enlarge

Canyon & 'trolls'
Canyon & 'trolls'
Horse-shoe canyon
Horse-shoe canyon
Canyon at Dettifoss
Canyon at Dettifoss
Spray from Dettifoss
Spray from Dettifoss
 Dettifoss waterfall

Day 8: Sun
Transfer from accommodation to Keflavik airport for return flight to UK.
From London Sun 4 June – 20 Aug inc for 7 Nights Tour.

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